To learn how to balance your life better
To become informed about a new medical procedure, which could replace the need for back surgery in some cases.
To become more informed about O*Net, a new classification for jobs which may replace the D.O.T.
To learn practical applications of ergonomics in the workplace.
To be updated regarding future workplace trends.
Welcome (Introduce MARP Board, MARP news)
Update from Dept. of Labor & Industry - John O'Loughlin
Keynote Address: "The Five Elements of Living Fully" - Bob McGannon
IDET-Intrathecal Disc Electro Therapy - David Schultz. MD
O*NET - Billy Joe McCroskey & Kaylene Kickhafer
Celebration Lunch:
"We Keep Sitting and Sitting and Sitting: Yanking the Batteries on the Energizer Bunny Syndrome" - Mark Anderson
"Entry Level Worker: Wherefore Art Thou?" - Ed Valencia
Bob McGannon: founder of Mindavation, a company dedicated to inspire motivation, team building, and leadership coaching to organizations across the nation. Bob has 14 years of management experience with IBM, and recently relocated to Colorado. He is an enthusiastic and gifted speaker.
David Schultz, MD, D.A.C., P.M.: founder and director of Medical Advanced Pain Specialists (MAPS), Board certified anesthesiologist and board certified as a pain management physician. He's also an active author and lecturer on topics relating to pain management.
Billy Jo McCroskey, Ph.D., CRC, CDMS, VE, ABVE, Vocationologist: a former rehabilitation counselor and rehabilitation educator. He's one of the original developers of VDARE, and sole proprietor of McCroskey Transferable Skills Analysis MTSP and McDOT.
Mark Anderson, MA, PT, CPE: President of ErgoSystems Consulting, Inc., an ergonomics consulting group. Co-founder of RealErgo, Inc., an internet-based publishing house of ergonomics related materials. Certified Ergonomist and licensed Physical Therapist with over 20 years of experience.
Ed Valencia, knowledgable and gifted speaker from the Department of Economic Security, Research and Statistics Department. He travels across Minnesota managing the various outstate offices an dknows first hand the present work force trends as well as future trends here in Minnesota.
3.25 CEUs given for this conference, 1.25 of which are given in ethics..
Pre-approved CEUs provided for CRC, CCM, & CDMS.
Topics that will keep you in the fairway and out of the rough Add to your bag of tricks a new tool - a driver that will help you go far in rehabilitation Help with avoiding the sand traps in the field of rehabilitation Who knows, you may get a hole-in-one!
As a result of this program, participants should be able to:
Learn, with humor, an effective approach to prevent others from pushing your buttons Describe suggestions for helping our clients who are dealing with anxiety, depression, and/or anger Identify what to include in your progress reports with regard to confidentiality issues.
MARP/IARP update
Judy Janish: Stress Reliever: Don't Let Anyone Else Push Your Buttons (humor)
Mark Raderstorf: Anxious, Angry or Depressed: Tips for Helping the Disabled Client
Timothy Jung: Confidentiality: What to Put in Your Progress Reports
Four CEU's given for the conference, 1.5 of which are given in ethics. .
Pre-approved CEUs provided for CRC, CCM, & CDMS.
What DOLl has to say about retraining plans: what works?
Attorney Q&A about some of the new case laws affecting vocational rehabilitation.
Claim representative's perspective on how to submit a retraining plan effectively.
Info. about short term training with high earning potential.
Selecting appropriate job placement and/or retraining job objectives?
Which vocational tests are best?
How to use utilize labor market information in your decision making.
How much do you rely on what your client wants verses your professional opinion?
How to analyze transferable skills?
John O'Loughlin, successor to Susan Lauer
Attorney Mary Miller discusses case law and answer questions
Interactive question/answer panel Placement, Vocational Evaluator, Claims, Labor Market Researcher
Short Term Retraining resources Options & Ideas from Schools