MARP Conferences and CEU opportunities - 2000

To obtain CEUs by watching a video of these conferences, contact Kaylene Kickhafer: 612-508-8338

Spring Conference Description. || Summer Conference Description  || Fall 2001 Conference


Spring 2001 (held March 23, 2001)

Program: (3.0 CEUs provided for CRC, CCM, and CDMS)

·        MARP/IARP Update

·        "Who Wants to be a Rehab Millionaire?!"- John O’Loughlin, Department of Labor and Industry

·        "You’re Not a Doctor or a Nurse, So Who are You and Can You Help Me?" - Dodie Downey Russell, MS, CNP and Patricia Ryan, RN, MA, CNP

Objectives: As a result of this program, participants should be able to:

  1. List the common types of orthopedic problems.
  2. List the types of treatment approaches and options that are available for back care.
  3. Identify the role of the nurse practitioner and the distinction between primary care and specialty care.
  4. Develop skills in working with the nurse practitioners and workers’ compensation cases.


Summer 2001 Conference - held June 8, 2001

Program (4.0 CEUs for CRC, CDMS, CCM; 1.0 ethics credit)


·        "IVEs or IREs - What are they, can I do them, and should I do them?" - Keith Mauer, DOLI

·        "Use of Opiates for Pain Management" - Connie Hollister, Mayo Clinic

·        "Don't Let Anyone Push Your Buttons" - Judy Janish aka "Shirley from Dez Moinez"


Objectives: As a result of this program, participants should be able to:


  1. Understand the terms Independent Rehabilitation Evaluations and Independent Vocational Evaluations
  2. Identify appropriate situations to use IREs
  3. Understand ethical considerations for using opiates in the treatment of chronic pain
  4. Identify coping skills when facing a stressful situation
  5. Identify current issues in the field of rehabilitation



Keith Mauer is an attorney with the Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry. He is supervisor at DOLI's Customer Assistance Unit and is a mediator and arbitrator on the Supreme Court Neutral Roster list. Keith is a graduate of St. John's University and William Mitchell College of Law

Connie N. Hollister, BSN, LADA is current in practice in the Mayo Comprehensive Pain Rehabilitation Center as a primary care coordinator. She has been directly involved with the development and implementation of effective narcotic and polypharmacologic medication tapers in an inpatient addiction program, a partial hospitalization addiction program, and in the Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center.

Judy Janish, aka Shirley from Des Moines, Iowa, is a former Minnesota Educator of the Year for Middle School Level, and is a gifted speaker on the topic of relieving stress.


Fall 2001 Conference - held September 14, 2001

Program:  8.0 CEU’s, including 3.0 for Ethic CEU’s.



  1. As a result of this program, participants should be able to:
    Provide an overview of ADA, Work  Comp and FMLA
  2. Identify and define the latest treatment and rehabilitation recommendations for shoulder injuries.
  3. Apply the latest retraining information as recommended by DOLI



Jessica Roe, Attorney with Bernick and Lifson, P. A. She specializes in providing employment advice to employers throughout Minnesota. She works closely with both large and small companies to prevent legal claims through training, policy planning and litigation management in employment and benefits issues.


Peter Daily, M.D.  is Board Certified and is a member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. He is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota School of Medicine. He is published extensively on topics including total should replacement, total hip replacement, sports injuries and fracture care. He presents his research at local, national and international meetings


Michelle Neujahr is the author of Hey, Girlfriend! Live Passionately Real. With over a decade of experience as an entrepreneur and professional speaker, Michelle leads by example and inspires audiences to take chard of their dreams. She creates opportunities for personal and professional growth through workshops, seminars, and keynote presentations. 


John O’Laughlin, Lead Workers’ Compensation Rehabilitation Specialist, Department of Labor and Industry. John has worked in the field of rehabilitation for over 20 years and has developed training modules for the customer assistance unit and has completed certified training in medication.




MARP/IARP Conferences in 2001
Webpage by  Paul Larson and Associates, Inc.