Minnesota Association of Rehab. Providers (MARP)
P.O. Box 27262
Golden Valley, MN 55427

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What is MARP?

MARP is the Minnesota chapter of IARP (International Association of Rehabilitation Providers)

MARP's members include professionals with degrees and/or certification in rehabilitation counseling, psychology, nursing, occupational therapy, psychology and divinity; and registered placement specialists are a valued part of the membership demographics. Many of MARP's members provide services as Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (QRC) to injured workers. The QRC's roles and scope of practice are defined by Minnesota workers' compensation statutes, and regulated by Minnesota's Department of Labor and Industry.

MARP Board 2001-2003

President: Kaylene Kickhafer (612) 508-8338

President-Elect: Marlo Dahl (612) 436-2449

Co-Treasurer: Gwen Henricksen (507) 625-3599

Co-Treasurer: Marlys Peterson (507) 625-6828

Legislative Chair: Steve Hollander (612) 349-2770

Secretary: Julie Horak (651) 642-1717

Vocational Vendor At Large: Lynn Soley (612) 550-0104

Membership: Paul Larson (952) 844-0132

Medical Vendor At Large: Gerri McElmury (952) 546-7550 x435

Past President: Tom Ferring (651) 582-0335

Magazine Editor: Kristi Carrington (507) 266-4315

Southern MN Rep/Program Chair: Linda Hanson (507) 287-1051

Northern MN Rep: Linda Theim (218) 694-3394



Proposed changes to Rehab. Rules.

MARP has been very active in the rules-change process, with representatives regularly attending Rehab. Review Panel meetings where proposed changes are discussed. The proposed rule changes are available from the DOLI website: www.doli.state.mn.us.

If you don't have a copy of the Rehab. Rules currently in effect, you can obtain them from: www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/arule

You can send your comments and suggestions to Kaylene Kickhafer (612-508-8338).

Conferences/CEU opportunities

MARP sponsors three conferences a year: Spring, Summer and Fall. The Fall conference was held Friday, Sept. 14. The Summer conference was held Friday, June 8. The Spring 2001 conference was held Friday, March 23.

The videos of most conferences can be borrowed at no charge from MARP in order to obtain CEUs (for which there is a charge). For a description of conference contents and sessions on video, click on the links below.

Information about the '00 Conference topics.

Information about the '99 Conference topics.



Read the most recent online version of MARP Magazine.

If you have any items of interest for inclusion in MARP Magazine, and/or wish to place an ad, contact the Editor, Kristi Carrington (1-800-583-3390)


Video CEUs

To obtain videos of conferences since 1999, and to earn CEUs, contact
Kaylene Kickhafer


Membership Info.

For membership information/applications, contact Paul Larson . Paul can also be reached by phone: (612) 844-0132 or fax: (612) 897-0724.

Downloadable membership application form is available in Acrobat (.pdf) format If you do not already have it, you can download the free Acrobat Reader , install it on your computer by double-clicking on the .exe file and following the directions on your screen.

If you need the file in text or HTML format in order to be able to use it, go to Adobe Accessibility Tools for ways to convert PDF to HTML or text.

Membership in MARP provides an automatic membership in IARP, with all the benefits such national resources can bring to rehabilitation professionals. Although Minnesota's statutes result in distinctions between rehabilitation professionals providing services within the workers' compensation system, and those providing other types of rehab. services, most of the practice issues are of common interest to all rehabilitation professionals in Minnesota.

IARP has established a cooperative effort with NASPPR (National Association of Service Providers in Private Rehabilitation) in producing a joint newsletter. Thus, members of both organizations have the benefits of a broader base of information via a single membership.


Questions or comments about MARP can be sent to MARP@consultant.com

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